Top 15 Recommended Books for Radiology
Published on:
Oct 20, 2021
1. Core Radiology: A Visual Approach to Diagnostic Imaging
- The first and foremost recommended book by radiology residents in this category.
- Full of images and illustrations for each topic which is true to its name: “a visual approach”)
- It is Concise and to-the-point.
- Certain topics may not be covered in detail for which you can read the subspeciality books which are listed below.
2. Brant and Helms’ Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology BooK
- It Used to be the best book for radiology until Core Radiology took over the position.
- The newer edition has been expanded for cardiology and interventional radiology (IR).
- One should Make sure to get the version that is divided into volumes, which is easier to carry.
3. Textbook of Radiology and Imaging: 2-Volume Set by David Sutton Book.
- This is the number one recommended book for radiology residents in India.
- It has not been updated for a LONG time
- The chapter on Chest imaging is good.
- most of the examiners have read and followed to clear the practical knowledge.
4. Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology: 2-Volume Set 6th Edition Book
- Although it might be difficult to read two basic radiology books, I think Sutton and Grainger are complementary books.
- The chapter on Abdominal Radiograph is a must-read for residents to attend exams.
- Grainger is updated regularly.
- Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology 5th Edition Single Best Answer MCQs is a great source for the FRCR exam.
5. Chapman & Nakielny’s Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis
- This book is quite essential for all radiology residents and is MUST read for practical information in the radiology field.
- The updated 7th edition has divided the differentials in the book. These are now easier to recollect than the monotonous list in the previous versions.
- Also, look at the second part of the book. It has explained about 30-40 disease entities with point-wise radiology findings for each. Precise and easy to revise.
6. Radiology Review Manual – Dahnert
- Dahnert is a reference book for differentials.
- It Has good illustrations which will be useful in the theory exams. The chapter on radiological signs in Hydatid disease is excellent!
- But the book does not have radiological images
7. Learning Radiology: Recognizing the Basics
- Excellent general radiology book, especially for first-year radiology residents and medical students.
- This book is Compiled by radiologists from the website
8. Felson’s Chest Roentgenology
- A foundation book that all radiology residents should read.
- It is a fun read to read with lots of examples from Felson’s personal.
- All students will at least have one case with a chest radiograph in their finals and you MUST understand the standard radiology signs (the silhouette sign, thoracic-abdominal sign etc) best described in Felson.
9. The Chest X-Ray: A Survival Guide by Gerald de Lacey
- A concise book that will give you the exact information that you are looking for.
- There are a Lot of illustrations and radiographs which make it easy to catch difficult topics.
- easy to carry around which makes it an ideal book for your first x-ray rotation.
10. Weir & Abrahams’ Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy
- one of THE best books for radiological anatomy
- It Covers imaging anatomy for CT, MRI, and ultrasound.
- The latest edition also has a chapter dedicated to nuclear medicine.
- Very much an essential book for the FRCR part 1 exam.
11. Fundamentals of Body CT by Webb / Brant
- Recommended book for first-year residents during your first CT rotation.
- Properly organized and easy to read.
- The chest section is a good substitute for other books listed above.
12. CT and MRI of the Whole Body – Haaga
- It consists of a 2-volume book set that covers both CT and MRI for all body systems.
- This is the book that is used mostly for reading body CT and MRI.
13. Yochum And Rowe’s Essentials Of Skeletal Radiology
- An excellent book for bone tumors, arthritides, and endocrine bone disorders.
- Every topic has a pink “Capsule summary box” at the end of the topic which is quite useful for last-hour revision.
14. Osborn’s Brain
- Probably the ONLY book you will EVER need for neuroradiology!
- Fundamental books cover most of the neuroradiology required at a resident level
15. Pediatric Radiology
- At a resident level, a separate book is not required for pediatrics.
- For dedicated reading during fellowship or after residency following books are recommended:
- Caffey’s Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging, 2-Volume Set: Expert Consult
- Fundamentals of Pediatric Imaging (Fundamentals of Radiology) by Donnelly MD
Some other books for residents
- Farr’s Physics for Medical Imaging
- Christensen’s Physics of Diagnostic Radiology
- MRI made easy Govind Chavhan
- Radiological Procedures by Bhushan N Lakhkar.
- Chapman &Nakielny’s Guide to Radiological Procedures
- Handbook of Interventional Radiologic Procedures Kandrappa