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More Indian institutes to soon have overseas campuses

More Indian institutes to soon have overseas campuses

| Published on: Feb 14, 2022 Views: 399

c-Aditya. Wadhawan @timesgroup.com.

By allowing Higher Education. Institu tions (HEIs) to set up a campus overseas, India will soon find itself on the global map as a provider of quality education. A 16-member committee consisting of di rectors of seven IITs along with the vice-chancellors of four central universities and it, will soon prepare a plan to set up offshore campuses.

Speaking to Education Times, BJ Rao, vice-chancel lor, University of Hydera bad, says, "So far HEIs are working within the geog raphical boundaries, but they have the potential to of fer more. The overseas cam- pus would serve a larger purpose and help the insti- tutes expand in terms of knowledge, style of tea- ching and depth of content outside its boundaries."

Several institutes in In- dia provide quality educa- tion at a lower cost. Going overseas on their own or in partnership, will help in ex- panding the horizons and bandwidth of our brand, adds Rao. Several IITs have been receiving requests from the Middle-East and South Asian countries to set up their campuses. Indian universities were reluctant to think on these lines.

Though the process is long, the IITs are in a better position to set up overseas campuses in a short time. Also, they can invite fore- ign universities to partner with them.

There are several chal- lenges to address. Firstly, Indian universities need to identify the requirement and challenges in the co- untry where the campus. will be set up.

"The committee will for- mulate programmes as per the need of offshore campu- ses. Legal intricacies will be considered before deciding if we will have standalone campuses or will be in part-nership. One of the major le gal hurdles is that some co untries have a rule that wha tever revenue is earned in the country, it cannot be ta ken outside its borders. It has to be spent within that country itself," adds Rao.

This initiative will help enhance the ranking of Indi an institutes that are struggling to make a strong presence in global ran kings. In the committee me eting, many IIT directors suggested the need to set up offshore campuses in Kuwait and Abu Dhabi. Se veral countries do not have enough knowledge pool and infrastructure.

"The demographic shift in many affluent countries would help this process, as India has one of the young est workforce in the world. We are at an advantage as compared to the countries having higher average age," adds Rao.

Yogesh Singh, vice chancellor, Delhi University, says, "This activity would popularise the Indian HEIS in foreign countries. If off shore campuses of Indian HEIs are set up abroad, it would also establish the In dian HEIS' linkages with prominent global institutes. This will initiate teacher and students exchange."

Published :- Times of India

Date :- 14/02/2022

More Indian institutes to soon have overseas campuses

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