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Shivam Technical Campus (STC)

Shivam Technical Campus (STC)

Himachal Pradesh Tour Packages

MDR 70W, Khurja, Uttar Pradesh 203131
City: Khurja
State: Uttar Pradesh
Contact No: (05738)253704,+91 8477 000 371,8477000371, 8477000372
Email: info@shivamgroup.ac.in,stp.krj@gmail.com
Established: 2011
Affiliated: Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education, Lucknow

About Institute

About Shivam Technical Campus (STC)

On behalf of Shivam Group and myself I call upon friends and well-wishers to join hands in the development of this historical institutional group which is silently and selflessly working for the national mission of educating the masses of our great country. It is long untiring educational work of Fourteen years of our democratic organization of dedicated employees who always stood by us with our sorrows and surprises.

Shivam search of Children & Adult Education from world learning to cultural education of the community has been a continuous dedicated effort, which has resulted in variegated forms of many activities, purposes institutions and organizations of social and adult education. The dream came true; our long efforts were nationally recognized by C.B.S.E. New Delhi, C.C.S. University Meerut, S.V.B.F. University Meerut, NCVT and NIOS.

With proud, I am informing you all that Shivam Educational Society is now at the top in our area. You will get the Primary level, senior level, Certification Level and Degree level in General, IT and Management at the same point.

I wish the team of Shivam Educational Society will achieve great success and welcome the incoming students who would make nation future by making their own with Shivam Institutions.

Develop a group of institutions of international standards with linkages to the best educational institution worldwide. Make available programmes, which represent the best of tradition and modernity. Ensure the employment of the student .Use constantly upgraded technology to improve the delivery system and span of operation of the society Contribute to its social commitment by uplifting the down trodden and victimized in India and aboard.

Information compiled from:Shivam Technical Campus (STC), Khurja- Website


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